Thursday, November 22, 2012

Frames: Angie Martinez

Here is another installment in the frames series.  I thought it would be cool to produce a short video of the photos from my shoot with Angie.  Most of the photos are straight out of the camera.  I just wanted to show you it's OK to have fun and be carefree  in front of my camera.

Mark Anthony is a Washington, DC based photographer serving metropolitan DC, Maryland and Virgina area.
To contact him and to book your photo session visit:

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Frames: Francisco

Here are the frames taken from my last shoot with Francisco.  He wanted to see all the photos from the shoot and wanted unedited versions of the photos.  My rule is that I don't give out unedited photos. So I decided to make a video.  Here is a glimpse under the hood. The photos for the most part are unedited with no retouching, just black and white conversion and the others got special color treatment.

Mark Anthony is a Washington, DC based photographer serving metropolitan DC, Maryland and Virgina area.
To contact him and to book your photo session visit:

Monday, November 5, 2012

Angie Rocking It Out

With DJ Danny blaring the music through out the shoot.  I knew we needed to keep the shoot full of energy to match the intensity of music.  So what do you get when mix a pretty girl with a bit of attitude? The photos below that is...

Mark Anthony is a Washington, DC based photographer serving metropolitan DC, Maryland and Virgina area.
To contact him and to book your photo session visit:

Sunday, November 4, 2012

Rocking it out with Francisco

Following the last series of photos I've use the same photography technique through out the day.  It's normally not my style and I have to say it's some what liberating not hauling so much gear.  I just wanted to do something different for a change.

I told Francisco when he approached me during the shoot and I said this is going to be different from what I normally do.  We have shot together in the past and he said he was up to doing something different.  He's versatile, open mined and willingness to try something new.  Such great traits for a good model.  Francisco it's always a pleasure working with you.

Please stop by his Facebook Fan page to view more of his work:

Mark Anthony is a Washington, DC based photographer serving metropolitan DC, Maryland and Virgina area.
To contact him and to book your photo session visit:

Partied Out

This past Saturday's theme was dubbed Partied Out!  I wanted to get a look of hard night of partying.  I want to thank Brooke the first one to agree to do the concept and Kristina Collins her creatively on the make up.

First off I wanted to give credit to Terry Richardson who has made this type of light setup/photography technique famous.  I dig his work.  I don't understand why other photographers give him grief and call him a hack?  I guess with success comes jealousy and envy?  Someone once said "jealousy is the tribute mediocrity pays to genius".

The style is raw. It's all about the subject and the story it tells.  I always say when photographing people the photos are about the subject and not about the photographer.  It's the job of the photographer to get the emotion out of the subject.  

And please visit Brooke and Nelson Facebook pages and show them some LOVE.  They are both talents at Leesa Robinson Agency.

Mark Anthony is a Washington, DC based photographer serving metropolitan DC, Maryland and Virgina area.
To contact him and to book your photo session visit: