Friday, March 26, 2010

Swiss' Maternity Photo Session

What a glorious time in a woman's life. Not only once your baby has arrived, but also celebrating the changes of a mothers body and the miracle of a tiny life within. Every moment only lasts for brief time so preserve these special unique times. What better way to capture that moment in time then a maternity photo session?

In this photo session I wanted to present the art as well to display how beautiful a woman's body can be in this stage of her life. Here is my attempt to deliver something different. The shoot transitioned from soft, to mysterious then to elegant. Who's says a maternity photo session can't be turned into a fashion photo shoot?

Mark Anthony is a Washington, DC based photographer serving metropolitan DC, Maryland and Virgina area.

To contact him at visit:

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Photos taken on my trip to WPPI.

I have to be the first to admit I'm don't take too many photos of architecture or landscape. I tend to focus on portraiture but sometimes it's best to step outside of your box. One thing about shooting scenery you have to search for beauty vs the beauty that's standing in front of you. I have to admit in Las Vegas there are so many cool things to photograph and it's right there in front of you. Here are the some of photos taken, I hope you enjoy them.

As for my WPPI experience I think fellow photographer Paul Price and now new friend summed it up best in his blog post WPPI 2010... Reflections.

Mark Anthony is a Washington, DC based photographer serving metropolitan DC, Maryland and Virgina area.